Procedural File: odi.library.php
Source Location: /lib/odi.library.php
Page Details:
Library functions for the ODI database.
All functions that are related to the operation of the ODI database are defined in this library. Functions for parsing CDF and text files are defined in parsefile.php and dirscan.php. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
<> ___ ___ __ _ <>
<> / _ \/ __|/ _` | european space agency <>
<> | __/\__ \ (_| | <>
<> \___/\___/\__,_| agence spatiale europeenne <>
<> <>
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The IPR of this software belongs to the European Space Agency. The usage is at the discretion of the Agency and licenses for its use should be addressed to the Contracts Dept. at ESTEC: European Space Agency ESA/ESTEC
Contracts Department
Postbus 299
2200 AG Noorwijk
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 71 565-6565 The software was developed under the ESA/ESTEC contract 21964/08/NL/AT by: Peter Wintoft, Swedish Institute of Space Physics and
Daniel Heynderickx, DH Consultancy Version number: 1.0 Release Date: 2 December, 2009
CDF1970 [line 72]
LF [line 65]
REVISION [line 54]
cdfepoch_to_date [line 80]
array cdfepoch_to_date(
double $cdf_epoch)
Convert CDF Epoch to UTC date string of the form YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
double |
$cdf_epoch |
checkTable [line 96]
int checkTable(
mysqli $link, string $tablename, resource $lhandle)
Check if dataset is listed in table dataset and return the dataset_id
mysqli |
$link |
A MySQL database connection |
string |
$tablename |
The ODI name of the dataset |
resource |
$lhandle |
A file pointer to the log file. |
clean_skeleton [line 121]
array clean_skeleton(
string $sk_file_name)
Read and clean the skeleton file to enable further parsing.
string |
$sk_file_name |
The skeleton file name. |
connect_to_database_array [line 166]
array connect_to_database_array(
array $ca)
Connect to the database using an array with connection parameters.
array |
$ca |
An array with connection parameters (see get_conn_array) |
create_column_name [line 183]
string create_column_name(
string $name, array $num, string $type)
Create a column name with data type to be used in creating dataset_* table.
string |
$name |
A string with the base part of the name. |
array |
$num |
An array with numbers. |
string |
$type |
The MySQL data type. |
create_dataset_table [line 206]
void create_dataset_table(
mysqli $conn, int $dataset_id, string $dataset_name)
Create a "dataset_*" table. The column names are constructed from "data" (CDF VAR_TYPE="data") variable names and the NRV index if it is larger than 0. The tables always have the columns cdf_epoch, epoch, millisec, and dataset_file_id. Updated version with improved query syntax.
mysqli |
$conn |
A MySQL database connection. |
int |
$dataset_id |
The id of a selected dataset. |
string |
$dataset_name |
The name of the table holding the data. |
dataset_update [line 288]
void dataset_update(
mysqli $link, string $tablename, int $tableid)
Update table dataset with start and end epoch and modification date.
mysqli |
$link |
A MySQL database connection |
string |
$tablename |
The name of the dataset_* table. |
int |
$tableid |
The id in dataset for the dataset_* table. |
date_to_cdfepoch [line 310]
double date_to_cdfepoch(
string $date, $msec, double $millisec)
A function to convert a date into CDF EPOCH.
string |
$date |
The date in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format |
double |
$millisec |
The millisecond part. |
$msec |
delete_dataset [line 330]
void delete_dataset(
mysqli $conn, string $dataset_name)
Delete the "dataset_*" table together with all related entries. The function first drops the table holding the data (i.e. the dataset_* table). Then the entry in the dataset table is deleted and all associated entries in the other tables are automatically deleted.
mysqli |
$conn |
A MySQL database connection. |
string |
$dataset_name |
The name of the table holding the data. |
dirscan [line 343]
void dirscan(
string $basedir, string $filepattern)
Recursive directory scan.
string |
$basedir |
The base directory to scan. |
string |
$filepattern |
The pattern to match against the file names. |
exists_dataset [line 382]
bool exists_dataset(
mysqli $conn, string $dataset_name)
Check if dataset name exists in dataset table.
mysqli |
$conn |
A MySQL database connection. |
string |
$dataset_name |
The name of the table holding the data. |
getFiles [line 628]
int getFiles(
mysqli $link, array $dfiles, array $tfiles, resource $lHandle, string $tablename, int $tableid, string $platform, string $instrument, string $sk_file, $parser)
Load temporary files load.tmp into dataset_* and update dataset and dataset_files.
mysqli |
$link |
A MySQL database connection |
array |
$dfiles |
Multi-dim array with file names, dates, and complete path to file. |
array |
$tfiles |
Multi-dim array with id, file names, and dates of file already ingested. |
resource |
$lHandle |
A file pointer to the log file. |
string |
$tablename |
The name of the dataset_* table. |
int |
$tableid |
The id of the dataset. |
string |
$platform |
The platform name. |
string |
$instrument |
The instrument name. |
string |
$sk_file |
The name of the skeleton file |
$parser |
get_cl_arguments [line 459]
array get_cl_arguments(
array $argv, array $arg_array)
A support function to get the command line arguments when a script is executed on the command line. The first argument ($argv) is an array with the actual arguments given on the command line, including the script name itself. The second argument ($arg_array) is an array where the values will become the keys to the returned array. Example: Executing a script on command line like show_metadata.php DST
uses $arg_array = array("dataset");
where the array $args becomes $args = array ( "dataset" => "DST" )
array |
$argv |
array |
$arg_array |
get_conn_array [line 398]
array get_conn_array(
integer $user_level)
Connection parameters for a given user level. An array is returned with the ODI database parameters based on the environment variables and the user level.
integer |
$user_level |
The user level |
get_data_and_fields [line 488]
array get_data_and_fields(
mysqli $conn, string $dataset, double $epoch_start_cdf, double $epoch_end_cdf, int $max_num_rec, array $meta)
Get the data and field names for a set of variables for a dataset.
mysqli |
$conn |
A MySQL connection. |
string |
$dataset |
The SEDAT name of the dataset. |
double |
$epoch_start_cdf |
Start epoch in CDF epoch format. |
double |
$epoch_end_cdf |
End epoch in CDF epoch format. |
int |
$max_num_rec |
Maximum number of records to be read. |
array |
$meta |
An array with variable metadata (name,dims,sizes). |
get_nrv_values [line 550]
array get_nrv_values(
mysqli $conn, string $dataset, string $variable_name)
Get the NRV values for a variable. If the LABL_PTR_? attribute is not defined the returned values will just be an array of number.
mysqli |
$conn |
A MySQL database connection |
string |
$dataset |
The ODI name of the dataset |
string |
$variable_name |
The variable name |
get_variable_metadata [line 595]
array get_variable_metadata(
mysqli $conn, string $dataset, array $var)
Get the metadata for a list of variables.
mysqli |
$conn |
A MySQL connection. |
string |
$dataset |
The SEDAT name of the dataset. |
array |
$var |
An array with variable names. |
ingest_data [line 739]
int ingest_data(
mysqli $link, string $tablename, $basedir, string $platform, string $instrument, string $filepattern, string $sk_file, $scanner, $parser)
Construct a list of files to be ingested, convert them to temporary file and ingest into the database.
mysqli |
$link |
A MySQL database connection |
string |
$tablename |
The name of the dataset_* table. |
string |
$platform |
The platform name. |
string |
$instrument |
The instrument name. |
string |
$filepattern |
The file pattern to match against the raw data files. |
string |
$sk_file |
The name of the skeleton file |
$basedir |
$scanner |
$parser |
insert_dataset_entry [line 772]
void insert_dataset_entry(
mysqli $conn, string $dataset_name)
Insert a row in the dataset table.
mysqli |
$conn |
A MySQL database connection. |
string |
$dataset_name |
The name of the table holding the data. |
insert_dataset_metadata_entry [line 795]
void insert_dataset_metadata_entry(
mysqli $conn, array $meta)
Insert a row in the dataset_metadata table. The $meta
is an array with the following keys: "dataset", "attribute", "entry_number", "value", "data_type"
mysqli |
$conn |
A MySQL database connection. |
array |
$meta |
The name of the table holding the data. |
insert_variable_attribute_entry [line 821]
void insert_variable_attribute_entry(
mysqli $conn, array $metadata, int $dataset_id)
Insert a row in the variable_attribute table. The variable attributes are in the array $metadata
and has the following keys: "attribute"
mysqli |
$conn |
A MySQL database connection. |
array |
$metadata |
The variable attributes. |
int |
$dataset_id |
The dataset id. |
insert_variable_metadata_entry [line 851]
void insert_variable_metadata_entry(
mysqli $conn, $metadata, array $metdata)
Insert a row in the variable_metadata table. The variable metadata are in the array $metadata
and has the following keys: "name"
mysqli |
$conn |
A MySQL database connection. |
array |
$metdata |
The variable metadata. |
$metadata |
insert_variable_nrv_entry [line 879]
void insert_variable_nrv_entry(
mysqli $conn, string $variable_name, int $nrv_index, string $nrv_pos, string $nrv_value, string $dataset_id)
Insert a row in the nrv_value table.
mysqli |
$conn |
A MySQL database connection. |
string |
$variable_name |
The name of the variable. |
int |
$nrv_index |
The index of an element in the NRV variable. |
string |
$nrv_pos |
The positional index as given in the skeleton file. |
string |
$nrv_value |
The value of the NRV variable at the given index. |
string |
$dataset_id |
The id of the dataset. |
no_quote [line 894]
string no_quote(
string $s)
A function to remove quotes (").
string |
$s |
A string, with or without quotes |
odi_read_data [line 909]
array odi_read_data(
string $dataset, string $epoch_start, string $epoch_end, int $max_num_rec, string $var, string $var,...)
A function for reading ODI data into an array.
string |
$dataset |
The SEDAT name of the dataset. |
string |
$epoch_start |
The start epoch in format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.millisec". |
string |
$epoch_end |
The end epoch in format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.millisec". |
int |
$max_num_rec |
The maximum number of records to be read. |
string |
$var |
The name of a variable to be read. |
string |
$var,... |
Unlimited optional variables to be read. |
quote [line 949]
A function to ensure that a string is enclosed in quotes (").
string |
$s |
A string, with or without quotes |
skt2odi [line 981]
void skt2odi(
mysqli $conn, string $dataset_name, string $platform, string $platform_type, string $instrument, string $sk_file_name, string $availability, string $sedat_name, string $sedat_regions, string $sedat_particles, string $sedat_emin, string $sedat_emax)
A function to create the ODI metadata from a CDF skeleton table. The metadata are stored into the ODI tables dataset, dataset_metadata, variable_metadata, and variable_attribute.
mysqli |
$conn |
A MySQL database connection. |
string |
$dataset_name |
The name of the dataset (e.g. dataset_index_Dst). |
string |
$platform |
The platform (e.g. index, XMM, ...). |
string |
$platform_type |
The platform type (e.g. virtual, satellite, ...). |
string |
$instrument |
The instrument (e.g. Dst, ERMD, ...). |
string |
$sk_file_name |
The skeleton file name. |
string |
$availability |
Availability: public or private. |
string |
$sedat_name |
The SEDAT name. |
string |
$sedat_regions |
The SEDAT region code. |
string |
$sedat_particles |
The SEDAT particle code. |
string |
$sedat_emin |
The SEDAT minimum energy. |
string |
$sedat_emax |
The SEDAT maximum energy. |
s_to_us [line 959]
string s_to_us(
string $s)
A function to replace non-word characters with underscore "_".
string |
$s |
A string with possible non-word characters |
tfileList [line 1290]
array tfileList(
mysqli $link, int $tableid)
Produce a list of files already ingested for the dataset.
mysqli |
$link |
A MySQL database connection |
int |
$tableid |
The dataset id |
update_dataset_entry [line 1322]
void update_dataset_entry(
mysqli $conn, array $meta)
Update an entry in the dataset table. The $meta
argument is an array with the following structure: $meta = array (
"attribute" => <column name in dataset>,
"value" => <the new value>,
"dataset" => <the id of the row to be updated>
mysqli |
$conn |
A MySQL database connection. |
array |
$meta |
An array with the new entry values. |