Jie Chen's Publication
- A Statistical Study of Transequatorial Loops
Chen J, Bao S and Zhang H, 2006, Solar Physics, 235, 281
- Some Statistical Properties of Transequatorial Loops
Chen J, Bao S and Zhang H, 2007, Advances in Space Research, 39, 1831
- Helicity Patterns of the Active Regions Connected by Transequatorial Loops
Chen J, Bao S and Zhang H, 2007, Solar Physics, 242, 65
- Statistical study of twist values of transequatorial loops and the relationship with flares
Chen J, Lundstedt H and Zhang H, 2010, Advances in Space Research, 45, 537
- An Introduction of Magnetic Helcity and its Application in Solar Physics
Chen J, Bao S and Zhang H, 2006, Journal of Hebei Normal University, 30, 423
- Three Super Active Regions in the Descending Phase of Solar Cycle 23
Zhang H, Bao X, Zhang Y, Liu J, Bao S, Deng Y, Li W, Chen J, et al. 2003, Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 3, 491
Updated: Feb 1. 2010
Originated formation: Feb 1. 2010