Progress meeting 2 - Agenda

Progress meeting 2 will be held at IRF-Kiruna 12-13 October 1999.


Eamonn Daly, ESTEC
Alain Hilgers, ESTEC
Lars Eliasson, IRF-Kiruna
Leif Kalla, IRF-Kiruna
Peter Wintoft, IRF-Lund

Preliminary agenda

Tuesday, October 12, 13:00 - 17:00
  1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Adoption of the agenda
  3. Summary of activities since PM1
  4. Action items from PM1
  5. WP205, Prototype satellite anomaly analysis module
  6. Response from spacecraft operators (WP110)
  7. Status of keV electron data
  8. URD of WP110
  9. URD of WP210
Wednesday, October 13, 9:00 - 12:00
  1. WP120
  2. WP310
  3. Action items
  4. Administrative matters
  5. Date of PM3
  6. Others

Peter Wintoft, 1999-10-07.