Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna Division

Plasma and Energetic Electron Environment and Effects Extension S/C Anomaly Analysis

ESTEC/Contract No. 13561/99/NL/SB

Monthly Progress Report


Period: 2000-03-01--03-31

Authors: Lars Eliasson and Peter Wintoft

1. Progress status

The main activities during March 2000 have been a further investigation of the relation between the anomaly sets and the production of the SRD.

Further investigations of the relation between the anomaly sets were made. The previously calculated correlation table in TN 1 (Database) is a bit misleading as pointed out at the February 2000 MTR. The reason that we can get correlations > 0.7 is the fact that there are no anomalies most of the time. Instead the joint probabilities and mutual information were calculated and presented in TN 2 (Analysis). Before the calculations were made we selected only anomalies which are believed to be related to charging events. This means the TDRS-1 anomalies are excluded, as they are only SEU. It was now found that the relation between the anomaly sets is weak.

Calculating the mutual information we also examined the relation between daily sums of Kp, averaged over 1 to 10 days, with the anomaly sets. It was seen that the different satellites show different response on Kp. It is also nice to see that there is no relationship between Kp and TDRS-1 anomalies as these are SEUs. After selecting mainly ESD events the Kp calculations were remade and generally the relationship between Kp and anomalies became stronger, but still showing that the satellites individual response on Kp is different.

For a link to the latest version of TN 2 see WP220 below.

After inputs from the MTR the SRD has been developed further. The structure of the specific requirements has been defined together with Hugh Evans at ESTEC. The model in the SRD has been described in more detail. The SRD still needs more work. For a link to the latest version see WP120 below.


WP 110 URD for the database and database tools

The User Requirements Document for the database and database tools URD ver sion 1 of WP110 was delivered on 28 October 1999.

WP120 SRD for the database and database tools, DB&T

The latest version of the Software Requirements Document is SRD version 0.3.

The technical note TN 1 (Database and database tools) version 0.2 was delivered on 31 January 2000. This note had previously the title Exploration of data.

WP130 Development of DB&T

Work has started during March 2000.

WP140 Test and update of DB&T

Start T0+15 according to the schedule

WP205 Prototype of Satellite Anomaly Analysis Module, SAAM

A description can be found at: http://www.irfl. lu.se/saaps/saapsint/wp205/wp205doc.html

WP210 URD for SAAM

The User Requirements Document for the Satellite Anomaly Analysis Module URD W P210 version 1.1 was delivered on 4 November 1999.

WP220 SRD for SAAM

The latest version of the Software Requirements Document is SRD version 0.3.

An updated version of the technical note was delivered mid-March. The latest version TN 2 (Satellite anomaly analysis module) version 0.2 is dated 3 April 2000.

WP230 Development of SAAM

Work has started during March 2000.

WP240 Testing and demonstration of SAAM with new data

Start T0+17 according to the schedule

WP305 Prototype of Satellite Anomaly Prediction Module, SAPM

The prototype was installed on the server in April 1999.

WP310 URD for SAPM

The User Requirements Document URD W P310 draft version 1 was delivered on 17 November 1999.

WP320 SRD for SAPM

The latest version of the Software Requirements Document is SRD version 0.3.

The technical note TN 3 (Satellite anomaly prediction module) version 0.2 was delivered on 17 January 2000.

WP330 Development of SAPM

Work will start in April 2000.

WP340 Testing and demonstration of SAPM

Start T0+19 according to the schedule.

2. Problem areas/reasons for slippage


3. Events anticipated to be accomplished during next reporting period

Updated version of the SAAPS SRD will be delivered. Updated version of URD for WP110 will be delivered.

4. Status report on all long lead or critical delivery items


5. Action items

The following 5 Action Items were discussed at the MTR held at ESTEC 28 February. (Will be confirmed when the minutes from the MTR is signed).

1. Peter Wintoft will send questionnaires to ESOC during March.

2. Peter Wintoft will continue the investigation of the availability of LEO data. Report will be given at the next progress meeting.

3. Peter Wintoft will investigate the availability of other solar magnetograms especially European ones. Information will be included in the updated version of the URD for WP110.

4. Peter Wintoft will send an updated version of the URD for WP110 to Alain Hilgers during week 10.

5. Alain Hilgers will, during week 9, provide a new anomaly data set for which confidentiality will be kept.

6. Milestone payment status

Invoice for progress payment will be sent after verified delivery of the SRD as decided on the MTR.

7. Expected dates for major schedule items

The PM3 will be held in Lund during June or July.

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