Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna Division

Plasma and Energetic Electron Environment and Effects Extension S/C Anomaly Analysis

ESTEC/Contract No. 13561/99/NL/SB

Minutes of the Progress Meeting PM3


Held at

Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Lund

14-15 August 2000


  1. General status of the project
  2. Lars Eliasson opened the meeting and presented the general status of the project. Work has continued according to the agreed time schedule.

  3. Adoption of Agenda
  4. The agenda was updated and agreed.

  5. Summary of activities since MTR
  6. Peter Wintoft presented the main activities since the last progress meeting.

    The study of correlation between different anomaly data sets has continued. The numbers presented in a draft technical note 1 were based on a study not taking into account that there are many more days without anomalies and therefore fairly high correlation numbers were found. The new analysis shows that there is some correlation between times when anomalies occur on different spacecraft but fairly weak (< 0.11). The analysis will be moved to Technical Note 2. The mutual information analysis tool will be included in the data analysis tools module.

    The SRD is now present in a 1.0 version where comments from ESTEC have been taken into account.

    Applet for superposed epoch analysis has been included.

    OMNI data set has been included.

    Letters to four additional operators have been sent and some comments were received. One of the ESOC operators, Paolo Moldari, was very collaborative but wish to follow the "official channel" for data distribution. The term "official channel" will be investigated by Peter Wintoft.

    GOES 7 and 8 electron measurements sometimes show large differences (up to one order of magnitude). Some instrument offset my be responsible for this since the difference remains on orbit averaged data.

    A company in The Netherlands, New Skies Satellites, has been contacted but has not answered yet.

    The solar event in July was checked with operators at Esrange but with no special effects related to that storm. Anomalies were reported having occurred on 12 and 18 July. IRF is working to get more regular information from operators about anomaly events.

    New interface for the plotter which makes it possible to have several plot windows running in parallel.

  7. Previous action items
  8. The five action items defined at the Mid Term Review were discussed.

    1. Peter Wintoft will send questionnaires to ESOC within one week.

    The questionnaires have been sent and two answers have been received. This AI is closed.

    2. Peter Wintoft will continue the investigation of the availability of LEO data. Report will be given at the next progress meeting

    DMSP data were found to be to expensive for this project. Alain Hilgers commented that a collaboration between US (TIROS, NPOS) and ESA (METOP) meteorological satellites could give some approved possibilities for the future. Peter Wintoft will contact H Singer of SEC to investigate availibility of TIROS data.

    3. Peter Wintoft will investigate the availability of other solar magnetograms especially the European ones. Information will be included in the updated version of the URD for WP110.

    An investigation on available data sets have been made. There are several projects for on-line solar data (e.g., BASS2000) but none are available yet. Information has been included in the URD. The decision is not to use solar magnetograms in this project. IRF will continue to follow the development of solar magnetogram databases for potential future developments.

    4. Peter Wintoft will send an updated version of the URD for WP110 to Alain Hilgers week 10.

    The URD was delivered to ESTEC.

    5. Alain Hilgers will provide a new anomaly data set, for which confidentiality will be kept, week 9.

    A new anomaly set has been delivered at the meeting. It contains about 20 anomalies from an ESA spacecraft.

    Four of the five action items are closed and the former number two is put in the new action item list.

  9. Status of SRD
  10. A 1.0 version of the SRD is now available and will be put on the web by 17 August.

  11. DB&T implementation (WP130)
  12. The database is running including all data that appear in the URD except the low-orbit data.

    Historic data set consists basically of the OMNI data. All real-time data are being stored and some data are transferred to the historic data set.

    The LANL database (Jan 96 - Dec 98) is fairly large. Methods to extract, display and use data shall be investigated.

    Five anomaly data sets are now included. Some smaller updates have been made. The beta version will be made available before asking for more data from operators.

    Alain Hilgers informed that a meeting of people working with space environment databases will be organised to discuss networking possibilities. This meeting is planned to take place 30 October at ESTEC.

    Joe Allen at NSSDC (secretary of COSPAR) has an email list for sending information on satellite anomalies. Peter Wintoft shall ask to be included in the list.

  13. SAAM implementation (WP230)
  14. Peter Wintoft informed about the status of implementation and demonstrated the data plotter routine and the superposed epoch analysis module.

    Running the code using a modem connection was also demonstrated.

    For the data plotter, e.g., units on axis and title will be included.

    More tools, such as entropy analysis, help functions and typical values will be implemented in the analysis module in the near future for beta release.

    Typical values shall be taken from a random generated list.

    New columns for S/C anomaly characteristics should be added in the future.

    A password protected beta version of SAAM will be sent to ESTEC by 14 September and after approval made available to some of the operators.

  15. SAPM implementation (WP330)
  16. Anomaly sets (Tele-X, Meteosat-3, Marecs A, NSSDC, TDRS-1 and ESA-1) will be analysed with entropy methods to determine the most relevant parameters for each anomaly data set. Solar wind parameters (n, v, B), position, time, and magnetosphere data (GOES >0.6 MeV, > 2 MeV, Kp, Dst, LANL 10 keV and100 keV) will be tested.

    A systematic study will first be done using one anomaly data set and be continued by training neutral networks and implemented on the web. Anomaly classes will be defined based on the outcome of the tests. The results will be presented in Technical note nr 3.

    For the systematic study the complete LANL data set will be especially useful.

  17. DB&T test (WP140), SAAM test (WP240), SAPM test (WP340)
  18. A test plan will be written and sent to ESTEC for approval.

    The test procedures should check that the database and tools fullfil the URD and SRD. Some specific points to test were discussed: upload and remove environment data set; perform an anomaly analysis; load and remove an anomaly data set; generate a new prediction model.

  19. GOES MeV electron flux prediction
  20. A draft technical note has been written and is available on internet. Peter Wintoft summarized the result. So far only daily values have been u sed. The implementation of hourly data will be made but has lower priority at the moment than implementing the beta version of SAAM and the analysis of the anomaly sets.

  21. Administrative matters
  22. Contractual aspects:

    Alain Hilgers confirmed that the contractor can send the invoice for the progress payment.

    Document list

    The list is maintained on the internal pages. A test plan will be added. The other reports to be delivered at the end of the project were also discussed.

  23. Action Items
  24. 1. Peter Wintoft shall proceed with the investigation of low orbit data. He will contact Howard Singer for TIROS data before the end of August.

    2. Alain Hilgers shall check all URDs and send comments or approval to Peter Wintoft by the end of August.

    3. Peter Wintoft shall prepare a beta version of the SAAM for release and submit it to ESTEC by 14 September .

    4. Peter Wintoft shall take contact again with Paolo Moldari (ESOC) and ask them to clarify what was meant by "official channel" before the end of September.

    5. Peter Wintoft shall put the SRD version 1.0 on the web by 17 August.

    6. Alain Hilgers shall comment or approve the SRD before the end of August.

    7. Peter Wintoft shall write a test plan and send it to ESTEC for approval before the end of August.

    8. Peter Wintoft shall contact J. Allen to be included in the anomaly list.

  25. Other matters
  26. Alain Hilgers have delivered comments on Technical Notes 1 and 2 to Peter Wintoft.

  27. Next meeting
  28. The date of the next progress meeting was discussed. A meeting at ESTEC combined with the database meeting in the beginning of November was suggested for the PM4. The readiness review is planned to be held in Kiruna in February.


Swedish Institute of Space Physics

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Swedish Institute of Space Physics

Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division

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SE-223 70 Lund, Sweden


+46 46 286 21 21


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