Open Data Interface, ODI

ESTEC/Contract No. 21964/08/NL/AT

Monthly Progress Report


Period: 2010-02-01--02-28

Author: Lars Eliasson

1. Progress status

Peter Wintoft and Daniel Heynderickx gave a presentation of the ODI project at the Final Presentation Days at ESTEC. See The presentation can also be found at

A copy of ODI has been installed at which only contains a subset of the complete ODI database, but with ionosonde data added. It can be accessed at with user "irf" and password "lund".

It was discovered that one hour of data were missing for each year for each dataset originating from CDF files. The problem was related to daylight saving change in the spring. The parsing code has now been updated so that all dates are handled correctly.

A program has been added (check_epoch.php under tools) that finds the median cadence for a given dataset and then reports all dates that have a cadence that deviates from the median.

Data for the year 2007 are missing in the Dst dataset. Dst comes in four different processing levels: final, provisional, real time, and predicted. The final and provisional are collected from NGDC, the real time from WDC-Kyoto, and the predicted from IRF-Lund. The provisional Dst is transferred from Kyoto to NGDC and previously there was a date range overlap between the two sites. Currently there is instead a gap which means that the 2007 data are missing. This gap will hopefully disappear when the two sites gets into sync again.

DH has re-ingested the IMP8/GME and POES datasets on spitfire in view of the correction of the DATETIME calculation for generic cdf files.

DH has finalized the second SPENVIS interface page for ODI, which presents the user with a selection of data channels to plot. The SPENVIS ODI pages now also use the SPENVIS php utilities provided by M. Kruglanski of BIRA.

DH has investigated the STRV1B REM dataset, and found that the A data are a combination of two housekeeping datasets. The actual REM data are in the B data. DH proposed to HE to merge the two sets, and produce a second dataset containing only the second housekeeping set. If HE approves this approach, it will be implemented. Otherwise, the data as they are now in SEDAT will be ingested.

Web page

WP 100 Core Database System

A draft of the ECSS-E40 documents (D1.2) is prepared including e.g. Software System Specification (version 0.1, dated 2008-11-14).

URD (D1.1) version 1.1 (2009-09-22).

User manual for the database administrator (D2) version 1.2 (2009-10-16).

Database system and source code (S1) rev 258 (2009-12-22).

The Users guide (D7) version 1.0 (2009-09-25).

WP200 Database

The structure of the database (S2) rev 258 (2009-12-22).

The Database Technical Note (D3) was updated to version 1.0 (2009-09-25).

WP300 SAAPS interface

Updated ECSS-E40 documents are being prepared.

Software (S3) rev 258 (2009-12-22).

Technical note (D4a note D1 in SoW) version 1.0 has been written (2009-09-25).

WP400 SEDAT interface

Updated ECSS-E40 documents are being prepared.

Software (S4) rev 258 (2009-12-22).

Technical note (D4b note D1 in SoW) version 1.0 has been written (2009-09-25).

WP500 SPENVIS interface

Updated ECSS-E40 documents are being prepared.

Software (S5) rev 258 (2009-12-22).

Technical note (D4c note D1 in SoW) version 1.0 has been written (2009-09-25).

WP600 Maintenance and support

Started October 2009.

WP700 Administration/management

Monthly progress reports

Final Report (D5, note D2 in SoW) ready in March 2010 according to the present schedule.

Abstract (D6, note D3 in SoW) ready in March 2010 according to the present schedule.

2. Problem areas/reasons for slippages

The date for delivery of software was delayed, partly due to part-time parental leave.

3. Events anticipated to be accomplished during next reporting period

Delivery of updated documents and final report.

4. Status report on all long lead or critical delivery items


5. Action items

The following action item was decided during the PM4:

Action Item PM-4 Hugh Evans shall discuss with the Contract Officer about the IPR procedure and initiate it

6. Milestone payment status

Progress payment has been received.

7. Expected dates for major schedule items

The maintenance phase will run until March 2010.