
Open Data Interface, ODI

ESTEC/Contract No. 21964/08/NL/AT

Monthly Progress Report


Period: 2009-01-01--01-31

Author: Lars Eliasson

1. Progress status

There have been discussions  and work on the structure of the ODI database.

The PDR/IR meeting was held on January 8 as a teleconference. Minutes have been distributed earlier and can also be found on the ODI webpage.

A draft URD was sent to Estec.

Work done by DHConsultancy has concentrated on a review of the URD, contribution to the list of metadata, and preparation of the January PDR meeting. With the help of Hugh Evans, Daniel Heynderickx has set up a copy of the SEPEM database (the data part only for now) on firefox, in order to test the IDL Dataminer connection. He has also made an installation of IDL and Dataminer on the laptop. In principle, he should be able to set up an ODBC connection to the IRF ODI database.

Web page http://www.lund.irf.se/odi

WP 100 Core Database System

A draft of the ECSS-E40 documents (D1) is prepared including e.g. Software System Specification.

A draft of the URD has been written.

A draft of the Database Technical Note (D3) has been written.

User manual for the database administrator (D2) will be produced.

Database system and source code (S1) prototype is produced.

WP200 Database

Work with the populated database and source code has started and prototypes have been generated for parts of the system.

MySQL database at T0 + 3.5 according to the schedule

Updated ECSS-E40 document at T0 + 3.5 according to the schedule

Updated Technical Note at T0 + 3.5 according to the schedule

WP300 SAAPS interface

Start T0+3.5 according to the schedule

Updated ECSS-E40 document at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

Software package ready at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

Technical note ready at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

WP400 SEDAT interface

Start T0+3.5 according to the schedule

Updated ECSS-E40 document at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

Software package ready at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

Technical note ready at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

WP500 SPENVIS interface

Start T0+3.5 according to the schedule

Updated ECSS-E40 document at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

Software package ready at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

Technical note ready at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

WP600 Maintenance and support

Start T0+6 according to the schedule

WP700 Administration/management

Monthly progress reports

Final Report ready at T0 + 12

2. Problem areas/reasons for slippages


3. Events anticipated to be accomplished during next reporting period

PM 1 in Leuven 12 February.

4. Status report on all long lead or critical delivery items


5. Action items

The following action items were decided during the PDR teleconference.

Action Item PDR-1 Hugh Evans shall send the SEDAT document "RAL_SED_UD_0001" to Peter Wintoft.

Action item PDR-2 Hugh Evans shall contact Paul Buehler/PSI about including the integration time in the SREM datasets.

Action Item PDR-3 Daniel Heynderickx shall clarify the IMP datasets.

Action item PDR-4 Hugh Evans will send comments on Sections 5 and 6 to Peter Wintoft by email.

Action Item PDR-5 Peter Wintoft shall investigate and specify a standard set of metadata and attributes to be included with the indices datasets.

Action Item PDR-6 Hugh Evans shall send details on the SEDAT code to Daniel Heynderickx.

Action Item PDR-7 Hugh Evans shall arrange access to the external servers at ESTEC.

6. Milestone payment status

Advance payment has been paid to IRF and subcontractor.

7. Expected dates for major schedule items

The first Progress Meeting will take place February 12, 2009 in Leuven.