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Swedish Institute of Space Physics

Real-Time Forecast Service for Geomagnetically Induced Currents, GIC

Pilot Project for Space Weather Applications

ESTEC/Contract No. 16953/02/NL/LvH

Monthly Progress Report


Period: 2004-06-01--06-30

Author: Lars Eliasson

1. Progress status

Work has continued implementing GIC information on the web pages. The public part will also be included on the ISES/RWC-Sweden page.

Some historical GIC events have been studied and will be part of presentations at the ISES/COSPAR/SWWT meetings in Paris in July.

Henrik L has been invited by ELFORSK to give a talk on îThe Sun, space weather and GIC-effects in Swedenî at a workshop in Stockholm in September. Products to eliminate GIC effects will be discussed at the workshop.

After Antti Pulkkinen left FMI for a two-year post-doc visit to the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in May 2004, FMI hired a new student of physics to work on GIC topics at least during the summer of 2004. The work of the student concentrates on the second step of GIC calculation, i.e. on the determination of GIC when the geoelectric field and the network parameters are known. Research is planned to be done on the effects of transformer neutral point reactors and of series capacitors on the GIC flow pattern in a power system.

To continue FMI's works on the Pilot SDA, FMI is still waiting for the power system data in the surroundings of Oskarshamn necessary for GIC calculations. As outlined in the Monthly Report of May, the first step might be to use estimated resistance values based on those in Finland but the geometrical configuration including the positions of groundings etc are needed from Sweden anyway.

WP 100 User requirements

The URD has been accepted.


URD version 1.5 in pdf-format (2003-12-18).


WP200 Database

Solar wind data have been collected.

GIC data from south Sweden have been collected.

A database with geomagnetic data, solar wind data, and GIC data exist.

Draft Technical Note is ready see It contains four parts: the solar wind, the magnetic field, GIC-data, and data about the power grid. A preliminary review has been made by ESTEC.

WP201 Solar wind and GIC datasets

The solar wind and GIC datasets have been selected for the project and input given to the Technical Note (WP200). Statistical analysis of solar wind and GIC data shall be included in the TN300 and TN400.

Ground magnetic field in a dense grid has been calculated. The 400 kV power net shall be used. The 220 kV power net will not be used.

WP202 Dataset with computed geomagnetic data in a dense grid

Model event set has been constructed and selected.

Data for the geomagnetic database have been collected.

Ionospheric currents have been calculated.

Data set with geomagnetic data grid ready and input given to the Technical Note (WP200).

WP300 Model for computation of GIC from geomagnetic field

Software package is constructed.

A draft of the Technical Note for WP300 describing the calculation of the geoelectric field in general has been written.

WP301 Model for computation of geoelectric field from geomagnetic field

Software applicable to the computation of geoelectric field from geomagnetic field has been prepared.

Input to draft Technical Note WP300 has been delivered.

WP302 Model for computation of GIC from geoelectric field

FMI has prepared software applicable to the computation of GIC from geoelectric field.

Adjustment of the model and the final validation to be performed.

WP400 Forecasting model of GIC from solar wind data

A list of interesting events (WP400) to be used for analysis and testing has been identified. It is available at

Java software for the neural network has been developed.

Draft Technical Note is ready.

WP401 Forecasting model of geomagnetical grid from solar wind data

Datasets for training, validation, and testing have been generated.

Neural network architectures have been identified.

Neural networks have been developed and are being validated.

Optimal neural network for implementation shall be identified.

Java software has been developed.

WP402 Forecasting model of observed GIC from solar wind

Datasets for training, validation, and testing are being modified for the study.

Neural network architectures have been identified.

Neural networks have been developed and are being validated.

Optimal neural network for implementation shall be identified.

Java software has been developed.

WP500 Service implemention

Work with implementing services is in progress and no delay is foreseen. One part of this is the decision that a fluxgate magnetometer shall be installed close to the town of V”xj–.


Software requirements document ready at T0 + 14 according to the schedule

Prototype software system ready at T0 + 14 according to the schedule

System manual ready at T0 + 14 according to the schedule

User manual ready at T0 + 14 according to the schedule

Test report ready at T0 + 14 according to the schedule


WP600 Cost-benefit analysis

Start T0+12 according to the schedule

Cost benefit report ready at T0 + 24


WP700 Management

Business plan ready at T0 + 24


2. Problem areas/reasons for slippages

Power system data in the surroundings of Oskarshamn necessary for GIC calculations have not been received at the estimated time.


3. Events anticipated to be accomplished during next reporting period

No major event.


4. Status report on all long lead or critical delivery items



5. Action items

No open


6. Milestone payment status

Advance payment has been received.


7. Expected dates for major schedule items

Date for the next Progress Meeting is Fall 2004.


internal page

GIC home page

Swedish Institute of Space Physics
PO Box 812
SE-981 28 Kiruna, Sweden


+46 980 790 00


+ 46 980 790 91
